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Second test of U.S.A.F.'s Hypersonic Missile Unsucessful
Da defenseworld.net del 30 luglio 2021

AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon

The second test of the U.S. Air Force's AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic missile is deemed a failure.

The Air Force tested the missile from a B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber in Point Mugu training ground near California on July 28. The Edwards-based 419th Flight Test Squadron and the Global Power Bomber Combined Test Force were involved in the testing.

In a statement, the service said it did not meet all flight objectives.

Objectives for the test included demonstrating the safe release of the booster test vehicle from the B 52H and assessing booster performance. An Edwards AFB B-52 released the ARRW test missile, dubbed Booster Test Vehicle 1b or BTV-1b, over Point Mugu Sea Range.

The missile cleanly separated from the aircraft and successfully demonstrated the full release sequence including GPS acquisition, umbilical disconnect and power transfer from the aircraft to the missile. The missile also demonstrated fin operation and deconfliction maneuvers which ensures a safe operation for the aircrew.

Following the safe separation maneuvers, the rocket motor did not ignite.

"The ARRW team continues to progress through the rapid prototyping effort with a steadfast commitment to the well-being of Airmen and equipment, striking a balance between prudent risk and rapid advancement of the program," the Air Force said.

“Developing first-of-its-kind missiles is difficult business and this why we test,” said Brig. Gen. Heath Collins, the Air Force Program Executive Officer for Weapons. “This is a critical capability for our Air Force and we have the very best team working to figure out what happened, fix it and move out to deliver ARRW to our warfighters as quickly as possible.”

A booster flight test of ARRW took place in April 2021at Point Mugu Sea Range but did not launch successfully. However a follow-up test in May for the ARRW's avionics, sensors and communications systems, was successful, using a B-52 based system, on a flight to Alaska from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.

The missile is being developed by Lockheed Martin under a $ 480 million contract with the Pentagon and, according to the US military, could be put into service as early as 2022.The AGM-183A hypersonic missile has a speed of Mach 6.5 to Mach 8. The missiles of this type are planned primarily to equip strategic bombers B-52H, each of which will be able to carry four AGM-183A.


Russian MoD Orders Ten S-500 Missile Systems
Da defenseworld.net del 29 luglio 2021

S-400 ADS

Russian Ministry of Defense placed an order with Almaz-Antey for ten S-500 missile systems.

"Russian defense ministry signed a contract with VKO Almaz-Antey on shipment of over 10 Prometey systems to the Aerospace forces. Serial shipments will begin in the first half of 2022," a source in the military-industrial complex was quoted as saying by government-owned TASS (https://tass.com/defense/1320543) Thursday.

State trials of the S-500 are currently underway in southern Russia. The trials are expected to wrap up in late 2021, the source added.

Read: Should the West be afraid of the Russian S-500 Air Defense System? (https://www.defenseworld.net/feature/58/Should_the_West_be_afraid_of_the_Russian_S_500_Air_Defense_System_#.YQJEBI4zbIU)

Earlier, Commander of Missile Defence Troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Maj. Gen. Sergei Babakov, said in an interview with the Russian Defense Ministryowned Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, said "Currently, a number of tests have been carried out with combat launches of anti-aircraft guided missiles at air targets. All tests have been completed with a positive result.” S-500 Naval Variant

The current variant of the system is ground-based. "If necessary, it can become a naval one," the source said.

The naval version of the S-500 could follow the same pattern of development as the S-300 and S-400, both of which have analogs in service with the Russian Navy. This variant has been connected with the planned Lider (Project 23560) class of destroyers.


El castillo de Aguilar de la Frontera abre sus puertas al público con horario nocturno
Da eldiadecordoba-es del 25 luglio 2021

La entrada a la fortaleza es gratuita y está abierta los sábados y domingos de 21:00 a 24:00

Imagen aérea del castillo de Aguilar de la Frontera. / AYUNTAMIENTO DE AGUILAR DE LA FRONTERA


Córdoba esconde una gran cantidad de secretos en forma de fortificaciones distribuidas por todo el territorio que forman parte de su patrimonio histórico y cultural. De hecho, muchos de estos castillos, como el de Almodóvar, el de Belalcázar o el de Espejo son visitables y los turistas no dudan en adentrarse en el mundo medieval que estos ofrecen. Desde hace varias semanas, el castillo de Aguilar de la Frontera se ha unido a la lista de las fortificaciones abiertas de cara al público. Se trata de un castillo del siglo XV, pero cuya construcción se llevó a cabo en el siglo IX durante el Emirato de Córdoba. Actualmente conserva el suelo original, un aljibe, la falsa braga, la lisa, la torre de la cadena, la muralla, el baluarte y la parte de la Torre del Homenaje, aunque en el interior de la fortaleza se encuentran muchos vestigios que abarcan desde el neolítico hasta la época medieval.

Es precisamente la restauración de todos los restos arqueológicos lo que tanto tiempo ha tenido a la fortaleza cerrada a los más interesados impidiendo que los propios aguilarenses pudiesen disfrutar de su castillo. Con la parte más simbólica ya recuperada, la emblemática fortaleza ya puede ser visitada. "Este castillo ha tardado en adaptarse a las visitas debido a la mejora en accesibilidad que las administraciones han llevado a cabo, pues ahora el paseo por el monumento está permitido para gente con movilidad reducida gracias a una serie de plataformas aptas para que transiten sillas de ruedas, así como para personas con déficit auditivo, ya que también dispone de un Centro de Interpretación del Paisaje que explica con indicaciones de una intérprete la historia de Aguilar de la Frontera", explica la concejala de Turismo del municipio, María José Ortiz.

Visitar el castillo además es gratuito, con horario veraniego de sábados y domingos de 21:00 a 24:00. Eso sí, a causa de la pandemia, el yacimiento cuenta con un aforo de 35 personas en el interior de la fortaleza. Pero eso no es lo importante, porque como asegura Ortiz a El Día, lo más espectacular del castillo es la iluminación con la que toda la antigua fortaleza se ha dotado, "que es la que da el toque de excelencia a la superficie del castillo y más en esta temporada estival donde la noche es la protagonista ante las altas temperaturas de la tarde".

Vista de la Campiña desde el castillo de Aguilar de la Frontera. / AYUNTAMIENTO DE AGUILAR DE LA FRONTERA

Y es que, que el castillo se haya abierto al público no es casualidad, pues la iniciativa nace del objetivo de promocionar el patrimonio de la localidad para que los aguilarenses puedan conocer su castillo y además sea una nueva opción para los turistas de la provincia, de Andalucía, del país y del extranjero. De hecho, Ortiz asegura que en las dos semanas que el monumento lleva abierto ya lo han visitado más de 160 personas, entre ellas varios turistas de habla inglesa y de muchos rincones de España como Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid o Cataluña.

"Lo más lógico es que se abriera cuanto antes para empezar a atraer a visitantes y la iniciativa ha sido bien acogida por los aguilarenses", señala la concejala. Y eso que las visitas todavía no son guiadas porque la mitad del yacimiento está en obras y su tránsito no está permitido ni es accesible, aunque es "lo siguiente que está previsto" de cara a conseguir habilitar la visita al 100% del yacimiento.

Sin embargo, pese a que no está toda la fortaleza abierta, desde lo más alto de ella se encuentra la magia de este singular castillo, su espectacular panorámica de la Campiña. La mejor hora para gozar de sus vistas y sacar las mejores fotografías del entorno, es justo al anochecer, cuando el sol se está escondiendo. Así, sin tiempo limitado de visita, pasear por el Aguilar más medieval, ver el anochecer, contemplar el cielo estrellado de la Campiña Sur, observar lo más íntimo del municipio, ver a lo lejos las luces de Montilla, Espiel o Montemayor, presenciar la historia de su muralla, sus torres o sus paredes es posible desde este mismo verano.

Incluso la utilidad del castillo va más allá de su uso meramente turístico. En este escenario medieval también está previsto que se organicen visitas guiadas teatralizadas por el recinto enfocadas a todas las edades, tanto para niños como para excursiones de colegios. Y es que, la apertura del yacimiento y su visión turística y de aprendizaje forma parte del plan del municipio. "Del 14 al 15 de agosto se llevará a cabo la primera ruta por Aguilar de la Frontera que incluirá también la visita al castillo con un guía que irá acompañado del muñeco de Ana María de Soto, la primera infante de la marina española y del mundo (1793) que para orgullo del municipio es aguilarense, y eso merece la pena que los más pequeños lo conozcan", destaca la concejala.

Así, "poniendo en valor la importancia del patrimonio y la memoria histórica de Aguilar de la Frontera", la apertura de su castillo al público permitirá que el municipio tenga una opción más atractiva para el ocio y la cultura de la localidad de la que podrán disfrutar sus vecinos y los turistas de todo el mundo.


U.S. Army Spends $160M to Expand HIMARS Rocket Launchers
Da defenseworld.net del 15 luglio 2021

M142 HIMARS Multiple launch rocket system

The U.S. Army has awarded Lockheed Martin a contract worth $160 million to expand the service's fleet of High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS). On July 15, the company confirmed the deal on its official Twitter account, "The U.S. Army awarded Lockheed Martin a $160 million contract to expand the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launcher fleet."

The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System is the newest member of the MLRS launcher family. HIMARS is a lightweight mobile launcher, transportable via C-130 and larger aircraft for rapid deployment, that fires Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rockets, Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles, the next-generation Precision Strike Missile (PrSM), and Extended-Range GMLRSrockets. The HIMARS carries six rockets or one MGM-140 ATACMS missile on the U.S. Army's new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) five-ton truck and can launch the entire Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions (MFOM).

HIMARS ammunition is interchangeable with the MLRS M270A1, however, it is only able to carry one pod rather than the standard two for the M270 and A1 variants.


El Ayuntamiento adjudica a Carmali el mantenimiento de los búnkeres del parque Princesa Sofía por un periodo de cuatro años
Da lalinea.es del 13 luglio 2021

El Ayuntamiento de La Línea de la Concepción ha adjudicado a la empresa Limpiezas Carmali S.L. el contrato para el servicio de acondicionamiento y mantenimiento de los bunkers del parque Princesa Sofía por un plazo de cuatro años. Con un presupuesto inicial de 23.232 euros (IVA incluido), el precio final asciende a 20.328 euros, oferta considerada como la más favorable por la mesa de contratación.

Los refugios que se contemplan son los ubicados en la calle Gibraltar, en las proximidades del drago centenario; la avenida del Ejército, frente al instituto Virgen de la Esperanza; prolongación de la calle Gibraltar, en las proximidades de la Oficina de Turismo, y dentro del parque Canino. El objetivo de esta medida es garantizar las condiciones higiénicas de estas edificaciones defensivas para potenciar las visitas turísticas y de ciudadanos. Los trabajos previstos incluyen desde el adecentamiento de pavimentos y zócalos, el mantenimiento de puertas, zonas colindantes y trabajos de desbrozado de las inmediaciones, así como la retirada de todo tipo de residuos. En caso de inundación del búnker, se deberá proceder a su bombeo y retirada de agua, además de a la limpieza de grafitis, pintadas, carteles y pegatinas no autorizadas.

La prestación del servicio deberá realizarse en horario que no afecte al normal desarrollo del trabajo y las actividades que se organicen desde la delegación municipal de Turismo, que dirige la concejal Mercedes Atanet, o cualquier otra iniciativa programada por parte del Ayuntamiento.


Should the West be afraid of the Russian S-500 Air Defense System?
Da defenseworld.net del 12 luglio 2021

S-400 missile system. Via Russian state media.

Di Aishwatya Rakesh

As though Russia’s S-400 air defense system (ADS) didn’t give the West enough heebie-jeebies, the country has come up with a more powerful ADS, the S-500; which the Russians claim can tear down fifth-generation aircraft, satellites in low-earth orbit (LEO) and hypersonic weapons.Russia is gearing up to put its brand new air and missile defense system on full combat alert. Its military will receive first of its S-500 systems called ‘Prometheus’ in this year. Commander of Missile Defence Troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Maj. Gen. Sergei Babakov, told defense ministry-owned Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper last week that all tests of the system had been completed.

God of fire:

In Greek mythology, “Prometheus” was a Titan god of fire and a supreme trickster. Russia says its God of Fire can destroy intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), hypersonic cruise missiles packing tremendous kinetic energy, aircraft including stealth jets and drones, and satellites in the low Earth orbit (LEO).
According to a Pravda Report, the S-500 is unrivalled by any other similar system in the world, being the first in a new class of space-defense weapons.

“The S-500 is a blow against American prestige,” Almaz-Antey head engineer Pavel Sozinov told Russian media in mid-2020. “Our system neutralizes American offensive weapons, and surpasses all of America’s much-hyped anti-air and anti-missile systems.”

Can destroy hypersonic missiles, satellites in low-earth orbit:

The S-500 is expected to have an extended range of up to 600km, an improvement of 200km over its predecessor, the S-400. The system will have the potential to destroy hypersonic and ballistic targets with interceptors operating at an altitude higher than 185km. In previous tests, the S-500 is said to have hit target missiles from a range of 480km, the longest range strike by any ADS. It reportedly has a response time of about 3-4 seconds, less than half of S-400’s 9-10 seconds.

The new system can reportedly detect and simultaneously engage up to 10 ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 5-7km/s. It also aims at destroying hypersonic cruise missiles and other aerial targets at speeds of higher than Mach 5, as well as spacecraft. The altitude of a target engaged can be as high as 180–200km.

S-500 Components

The S-500 will consist of a combat command post with an automated control system (avtomatizirovannoy sistemy upravleniya—ASU), a radar complex, including a multifunctional “illumination” radar, and up to 12 anti-aircraft missile launchers mounted on a Russian- or Belarusian-built chassis.

Missile Launcher Unit: The S-500 will consist of a 77P6 Self-Propelled Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) based on the chassis of BAZ-69096 trucks in 10x10 configuration. The BAZ- 6909 can move at a maximum speed of 70 kmph with a maximum cruising range of 500km.

According to the first drawing releases on the Almaz-Antey 2015 Calendar, the S-500 TEL is equipped with two Missile Launch Tube / Transport Container mounted at the rear of the truck chassis. In firing position, two hydraulic jacks are lowered to the ground on each side of the truck chassis and the missiles containers are placed at the vertical to the rear side.

Mobility: All battery components of the S-500 are carried on hardened BZKT BAZ-6909 vehicles. This family of vehicles includes 6x6, 8x8, 10x10 heavy high mobility trucks, prime movers, artillery tractors, with a payload capacity of 13-21 tonnes.

Command and Control Vehicles: The S-500 is expected to use 91N6A(M) acquisition and battle management radar, revised 96L6-TsP acquisition radar, and new 76T6 multimode engagement and 77T6 anti-ballistic missile (ABM) engagement radars. The 96L6-TsP Acquisition Radar is a direct derivative of the 96L6-1 series used a battery acquisition radar in the S-400. Battle management and ABM acquisition will be performed by the 91N6A(M) Big Bird Acquisition and Battle Management Radar, an evolution of the 64N6E series, typically used to support multiple S-300P/S-400 batteries.

Two battery command post types are listed, the 55K6MA which is clearly an evolution of the S-400 55K6E battery command post, and the 85Zh6-2, which may refer to a command post for an extended battery.

Missiles: The main missile with the S-500 is reportedly the 40N6M 30-feet long, two-stage solid fuel missile capable of reaching speeds of 9 Mach having a blast-fragmentation warhead with a range of ~500km and 95% accuracy.
To intercept ballistic missiles and satellites, the Prometheus will use 2 new types of missiles: the 77N6-N and 77N6-N1, the first-ever Russian-built missiles with inert warheads
. Known as kinetic kill missiles, they destroy nuclear warheads only by the force of impact – by hitting their targets at 7km/s speed. The missiles will strike ballistic missiles at a height of ~200km considerably minimising the impact of their debris.

The test that saw the S-500 hitting a target at a record 480km away reportedly used one of these two missiles: a version of S-300V4’s long-range heavy NPO Novator 9M82MD or the 40N6.

S-500 radar can network with multiple ground-based radars, early warning satellites:

Russia claims that the S-500 can shoot down a hypersonic cruise missile, such as the U.S. military’s AGM-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic weapon is being built by Lockheed Martin.

Prometheus can also reportedly engage stealth aircraft including F-22 Raptor, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter or any other low observable platform for that matter. The Russians claim that the system can engage over the horizon and can be plugged into an air defense network—to include satellites.

"The S-500 will analyze information about a possible missile attack obtained by early warning satellites and over-the-horizon radars, such as the Voronezh, as well as select targets, in terms of their importance, cut off false targets at a great distance, accompany all this and finally issue target designations to various systems,” Zvezda TV station stated. (https://sputniknews.com/military/201704091052466018-russia-prometey-missile-system-airdefense/)

By networking multiple high-speed long wave radars such as the RLS Voronezh-DM and 1L119 Nebo SVU, it might be possible to generate a weapons quality track on an aircraft such as the F-22 or F-35. Sensor fusion has afforded militaries many capabilities that are greater than the sum of their part. This may be one such case, the National Interest (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/s-500-russias-super-weapon-could-kill-the-b-2-f-22-orf- 35-20107) had reported in 2019.

How will the S-500 fare against the U.S. Navy’s New Generation Jammer?

In early July 2021, the U.S. Navy awarded Raytheon a $172 million contract to start low-rate initial production of the Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) to be mounted on the F/A-18G Electronic Warfare aircraft. The new jammer is intended for offensive electronic attacks against air-defense and communications systems.

The NGJ uses an active electronically scanned array which allows for faster and more precise broadcast of radio waves. "With its power and ability to jam multiple radars simultaneously, NGJMB will fundamentally change the way the Navy conducts airborne electronic attack," said Annabel Flores, vice president of Raytheon Electronic Warfare Systems.

It will be interesting to see how the S-500 fares against the NGJ-MB. Will the new American electronic attack aircraft be able to blind its radars or does the S-500 have an ace up its sleeve that we don’t know as yet?


Indian Air Force Orders Akash Missiles
Da defenseworld.net del 9 luglio 2021

Akash missile defense system at Aero India 2019 (image: Aishwarya Rakesh)

Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) signed a contract worth INR 499 crore ($67 million) to provide Akash missiles to the Indian Air Force (IAF).

“BDL signed a contract worth of INR 499 Crore for manufacture & supply of Akash Missiles to IAF,” Siddharth Mishra, Chairman & Managing Director of BDL, tweeted Thursday.

A formal contract was signed by the Indian Ministry of Defence and BDL on July 8. Akash is a medium-range mobile surface-to-air missile (SAM) system developed by the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and produced by BDL. Surveillance and Fire control radar, tactical control and command center and missile launcher are developed by Bharat Electronics (BEL), Tata Power Strategic Engineering Division and Larsen & Toubro.

Akash can target aircraft up to 50-80 km away, at altitudes up to 18,000 m. The system provides air defense missile coverage for an area of 2,000 km². It can neutralize aerial targets like fighter jets, cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles as well as ballistic missiles.
An Akash battery comprises a single Rajendra 3D passive electronically scanned array radar and four self-propelled Launchers (3 Akash SAMs each), all of which are interlinked. Each battery can track up to 64 targets and attack up to 12 of them. The missile has a 60 kg high-explosive, pre-fragmented warhead with a proximity fuse. The Akash system is fully mobile and capable of protecting a moving convoy of vehicles.


NRussian S-500 Air Defense System Completes Tests, all set to Enter Service
Da defenseworld.net del 7 luglio 2021

S-400 missile system

The Russian S-500 air defense system (ADS), said to counter not only aircraft, missiles and space weapons, but also satellites in low-earth orbit (LEO) has completed state tests and is set to enter service with the country’s military forces.

"Currently, a number of tests have been carried out with combat launches of antiaircraft guided missiles at air targets. All tests have been completed with a positive result," Commander of Missile Defence Troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Maj. Gen. Sergei Babakov, said in an interview with the Russian Defense Ministryowned Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

Babakov added that first of the S-350 Vityaz ADS have already been delivered to the military. It was developed to replace older S-300PT-PS anti-aircraft systems. The system can defeat advanced standoff weapons threats such as cruise missiles, manned (including stealth) aircraft, medium and heavy unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as tactical ballistic missiles. As per an Izvestia report published last month, Russia test-fired an all-new missile from its S-500.

The system’s “first samples” will enter service this year while its serial delivery is scheduled for 2025, according to Sergei Chemezov, head of Russian state defense manufacturer, Rostec.

S-500 ‘Triumfator-Mor Prometheus’

The S-500 is dubbed as Space Defense System (SDS) for its ability to destroy  targets in low orbit space besides hypersonic missiles, medium-range ballistic missiles and ICBMs. It is developed by Almaz-Antey Corporation which also manufactures S- 400 and S-300 systems.

The Prometheus S-500 is expected to have an extended range of up to 600 km (an improvement of 200km over the S-400). The radar range is also more than that of the S-400 and the system will have the potential to destroy hypersonic and ballistic targets with interceptors operating at an altitude higher than 185km.

In previous tests, the S-500 system is said to have hit target missiles from a range of 480 km, the longest range strike by any ADS. According to unofficial information, the S-500s will have a response time of about 3-4 seconds, less than half of S-400’s 9-10 seconds.

Patriot missile battery

The main missile with the S-500 is the 40N6 missile a 30-feet long, two-stage solid fuel missile capable of reaching speeds of 9 Mach having a blast-fragmentation warhead with a range of 310 miles and 95-percent accuracy. The Prometheus will use 2 new types of missiles: the 77N6-N and 77N6-N1, the first-ever Russian missiles with inert warheads, capable of destroying nuclear warheads by force of impact. The missiles will strike ballistic missiles at a height of 185 km considerably minimising the impact of their debris.

S-500 system is expected to use the 91N6A(M) battle management radar and 96L6-TsP target acquisition radar besides new 76T6 multimode engagement radars. The other components will be the launch vehicle and command posts.

Better than Patriot?

The S-500’s closest Western rival is the U.S.-built Patriot PAC-3, with both systems capable of shooting down both aircraft and ballistic missiles. If Russian claims of the S-500 system being able to destroy hypersonic missiles and LEO satellites are true, then it is undoubtedly better than its American counterpart.

As per older reports, the Patriot could shoot down a target at 8kmph speed. It can engage with 36 targets simultaneously and track 125 targets at the same time. . Patriot can locate a plane at 180 km and an enemy’s missile at 100 km.

On the other hand, the S-500 can reportedly detect and simultaneously engage up to 10 ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 5-7kmph. It also aims at destroying hypersonic cruise missiles and other aerial targets at speeds of higher than Mach 5, as well as spacecraft. The altitude of a target engaged can be as high as 180–200 km.

While the deployment time for Patriot is 25 minutes, the same for S-500 is not known. It could be better than its American rival as even its predecessor, the S-400, had a deployment time of 5 minutes.

Various informed sources have previously said that to hit an aircraft with a probability not less than 0.99, one will have to launch 1-2 S-400 missiles or 2-3 Patriot missiles. In case of fighting off a ballistic missile attack the ratio will be 1 / 2 or 3 in favor of S-400.


Northrop Grumman Awarded $3.8 Billion for Minuteman III ICBM Ground subsystems
Da defenseworld.net del 8 luglio 2021

Minuteman III ICBM launch: USAF image

Northrop Grumman Systems Corp has been awarded a $3,860,000,000 contract for Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ground subsystems support.
This contract provides for sustaining engineering, maintenance engineering, test and assessment, modification of systems and equipment, software maintenance, developmental engineering, production engineering, repair and procurement, a US DoD release said July 7.
The work is expected to be completed July 6, 2039.
The LGM-30G Minuteman III is a three-stage, solid-fueled, intercontinental-range ballistic missile. The Minuteman III is the sole land-based component of the U.S. nuclear triad.

The United States usually conducts two or more tests of the Minuteman III each year to ensure the arsenal is functioning and reliable. It currently has an estimated 440 missiles in its arsenal, according to missilethreat.csis.org.

A Northrop Grumman release later said that it has been awarded a $306 million fiveyear base contract from the U.S. Air Force to continue its role as the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Ground Subsystems Support Contractor (GSSC). This competitive award has a potential ceiling of $3.86 billion over 18 years.

Said Greg Manuel, sector vice president and general manager, strategic deterrent systems division, Northrop Grumman. “Our team is using the latest in digital engineering and innovation to keep today’s system reliable, safe and secure while positioning the Air Force for a smooth transition to the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) system over the next couple decades.”

As prime contractor on GSSC since 2015, Northrop Grumman will continue to provide engineering and field services to sustain Minuteman III, the world’s oldest deployed strategic ballistic missile system, through the end of its service life later next decade.


Alicante recupera un búnker antiaéreo de la guerra civil y la memoria del litoral perdido
Da lavanguardia.com del 4 luglio 2021

La Autoridad Portuaria ultima la rehabilitación y puesta en contexto de un nido de ametralladoras en la antigua primera línea de costa, hoy ocupada por naves y terrenos ganados al mar

En primera línea de mar. Ahí se hallaba durante la guerra civil española, que tuvo en Alicante el último bastión de la República, un búnker antiaéreo, un nido de ametralladoras que tras décadas de olvido y deterioro pasa ahora a formar parte del patrimonio histórico y la memoria de la ciudad. Son terrenos portuarios, ganados al mar, que, como ya sólo recuerdan los más viejos del lugar, casi bañaba lo que hoy es la carretera de salida sur, a la altura del barrio de San Gabriel. El barrio guarda memoria de una desaparecida playa donde los bañistas paseaban y tomaban el sol junto a otros búnkeres que la ampliación del puerto destruyó.

Son terrenos portuarios, ganados al mar, que, como ya sólo recuerdan los más viejos del lugar, casi bañaba lo que hoy es la salida sur

Búnker de Babel, puede leerse ahora en la entrada de una estructura cuya rehabilitación se concluye estos días, y que ya incluye la recreación de una lámina de agua que servirá a los futuros visitantes para entender  que han soportado con paciencia lustros de aplazamientos, pero ahora comienzan a disfrutar de paseos, arbolado e infraestructuras largamente demandadas.

La ciudad sufrió al menos 83 bombardeos aéreos y navales durante la guerra, con más de 480 muertos y 740 edificios destruidos

Este nido de ametralladoras pasara por tanto a formar parte de un recorrido histórico que la ciudad pone a disposición de visitantes y locales con ganas de conocer su propia historia. Son visitas guiadas a refugios y búnkeres, defensas pasivas y activas, que por la importancia estratégica de la ciudad durante la Guerra Civil apenas tienen parangón.

Tal como explican Francisco Lozano y Marcos Lumbreras en su documentado trabajo Refugios antiaéreos de la Guerra Civil en Alicante, la ciudad sufrió al menos 83 bombardeos aéreos y navales durante toda la guerra, con más de 480 muertos y 740 edificios destruidos, siendo más intensos a partir de 1938, resultando especialmente cruento el del día 25 de mayo de 1938, en el que 7 aviones Savoia italianos, lanzaron unas 6 toneladas de bombas. El ataque causó estragos en el mercado de abastos, falleciendo unos 300 civiles.

Si bien, en principio, los principales objetivos de los bombardeos serán militares y económicos, "también es cierto que se intentó aterrorizar y desmoralizar a la población. Se pretendía evitar el despliegue de armamento, municiones, tropas y alimentos destinados al gobierno republicano, y provocar el progresivo estrangulamiento de la economía republicana hasta colapsarla, con el hostigamiento de los centros de producción y de distribución".

Este nido de ametralladoras pasara a formar parte de un recorrido histórico que la ciudad pone a disposición de visitantes y locales con ganas de conocer su propia historia

Como prueban numerosos testimonios, "se consideró como objetivo la población civil en muchas de las misiones llevadas a cabo por la Legión Cóndor y la Aviación Legionaria sobre las ciudades del litoral mediterráneo republicano. La desclasificación de gran parte de la documentación llevada a cabo por diversas naciones, ha aportado nuevos y esclarecedores datos".
Por ello, no resulta extraño que Alicante contara ya en julio de 1937 con 18 refugios edificados con capacidad para proteger a 8.070 personas, otros 15 estaban en construcción. En julio de 1938 ya existían 55 refugios, aumentando la protección a 38.140 personas. Estaba proyectada, en ese momento, la construcción de 37 más. Así se alcanzaría una capacidad total estimada de unas 108.590 personas. Al finalizar la contienda, se puede hablar de la existencia de unos 90 refugios construidos y/o en fase de construcción en el término municipal.

Lozano y Lumbreras explican que "al inicio de la guerra, la aviación con la que se contaba era obsoleta y reducida en número. Alemania e Italia iniciaron sus envíos en fechas muy tempranas, tanto materiales como humanos, mientras que la Unión Soviética lo haría a finales de 1936".

Alicante fue dotada con defensas antiaéreas antes de los primeros bombardeos. Estas fueron mejoradas posteriormente.

Alicante contaba con el aeródromo de La Rabassa, dotado con escasas unidades aéreas de cazas anticuados, ya que la mayoría eran destinados al frente. Posteriormente se emplazó una escuadrilla de Polikarpov I-15 en el aeródromo para la defensa del puerto, las instalaciones de la SAF-15 y de la propia base. Esta es reforzada también en determinados momentos con aviones chatos y moscas dependiendo de las necesidades y disponibilidad de material. No en vano, el aeródromo sería bombardeado en 5 ocasiones por la Aviación Legionaria desde las Baleares a partir de 1938.

Alicante fue dotada con defensas antiaéreas antes de los primeros bombardeos. Estas fueron mejoradas posteriormente. Así se creó el denominado Grupo Fijo de Alicante que, en diciembre de 1938, estaba formado por las baterías nº 32 trasladada desde Los Alcázares, la nº 110 y la nº 712, así como destacamentos de cañones Oerlikon, ubicados en la sierra de San Julián.

El número, emplazamiento y modelos de las piezas empleadas variarían a lo  largo del conflicto, dependiendo de las necesidades y disponibilidades de material. De este último modelo llegaron numerosas piezas al puerto de Alicante con destino al frente. Además de la artillería antiaérea y los sistemas de dirección de tiro correspondientes, existían 4 puestos de observación complementados con un fonolocalizador situado en el Cabo de la Huerta y 8 proyectores fijos y móviles.
Fue en 1938 cuando los bombardeos sobre la ciudad se llevaron a cabo con más crudeza, a pesar de que el tráfico portuario y la llegada de material militar se había reducido en relación a años anteriores. Incluso en 1939 las incursiones aéreas seguían llevándose a cabo con intensidad, sufriendo el último ataque el día 25 de marzo de 1939. Cinco días después, Alicante será ocupada por las tropas italianas.

Una red ampliada de refugios visitables

La visita guiada a los refugios de Alicante es ya una realidad asentada en la oferta cultural y turística de la ciudad. Es interesante comenzarla en el Centro de Interpretación de la Guerra Civil, en la calle Portugal, donde se realiza una visita guiada a la exposición "Alicante ha caído, aquí termina la guerra" e incluye la entrada a los refugios de la contigua plaza de Séneca (R31) y el de la plaza del Dr. Balmis (R46). En el refugio R31 se recrea el sonido de un bombardeo. Pero el Ayuntamiento tiene previsto concluir la rehabilitación de más instalaciones, en un proyecto que cuando se culmine permitirá abrir los refugios existentes bajo las escaleras que conducen al instituto de Jorge Juan (avenida General Marvá), y en Marqués de Molins, Plaza Músico Tordera, Mercado Central y Tabacalera.