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Kyrgyzstan to Buy Russian S-300 ADS,Drones
Da defenseworld.net del 27 febbraio 2021

S-300 missile system.

Kyrgyzstan today placed an order for S-300 air defense systems and drones with Russia.

"The agreements on further military-defensive cooperation were important. In particular, agreements on shipment of S-300 missile systems and strike drones, which will become Russia’s important contribution to the security of both the Kyrgyz republic and the EAEU and CSTO outer borders," President Sadyr Zhaparov’s spokeswoman Galina Baiterek announced Friday.

Russia and Kyrgyzstan signed an inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in militarytechnical field eight years ago. It calls for the shipment of $1 billion worth of modern weapons to the republic.

Both states are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Russia’s United military base, which also includes the Kant Air Force base, is located in the Republic.


S-400 Missile Transporter in Massive Accident near Moscow
Da defenseworld.net del 25 febbraio 2021

S-400 air defense system.

The firing unit of the S-400 Triumph missile system was part of a massive accident that took place on the Mozhaisk highway in Moscow.
"On the Mozhaisk highway, an accident occurred with the participation of five vehicles - a Kamaz truck, two passenger cars, a military vehicle inspection minibus and a firing unit from the S-400 Triumph system,” a source from Russia’s law enforcement agency was quoted as saying by TASS today.
Read: S.Korean SUV Rams Into US Army Vehicle, 4 Dead (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27760/S_Korean_SUV_Rams_Into_US_Army_Vehicle__4_Dead#.YDd3NOgzbIU)

The accident was later confirmed by the press service of Moscow Region Main Directorate within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
"At about 08:00 Moscow time, an accident involving a military truck and three cars occurred on the 42nd km of the Mozhaisk highway. There were no casualties," the head office said.


US Army Testing Machine Gun-Style Laser Weapon That Vaporizes Targets
Da futurism.com del 25 febbraio 2021

By Dan Robitzski

"This is not science fiction."

Laser Cannon

The United States Army is developing a powerful new laser weapon capable of rapidly firing metalvaporizing pulses, much like a machine gun.
The new weapon, called the Tactical Ultrashort Pulsed Laser for Army Platforms, is expected to be about a million times stronger than any other laser weapon out there, New Scientist reports. Based on the military’s plans for the weapon, the laser will more closely resemble the sorts of laser rifles in science fiction movies than anything engineers have built in the past.

Womp Sniper

The laser weapons that the US military has developed in the past were designed to bore holes through metal, allowing them to disable relatively close-by vehicles or drones.
The new weapon, by contrast, is powerful enough to vaporize rather than melt metal, making it a far more effective armament, according to New Scientist. It fires incredibly short pulses — between 20 and 50 each second — that are shaped in a way that allows them to self-focus as they travel, not unlike the bullet-like “blaster” shots depicted in the “Star Wars” films, which allows the new laser to hit much more distant targets without dissipating.


Aside from building a more powerful laser in its own right, the military is leaning even further into sci-fi tropes and trying to give the weapon an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effect as well. When the lasers strike metal, the plan is that they rapidly accelerate electrons that are strong enough to disrupt nearby electronics.
But while it sounds far-fetched, all of this is possible and feasible with tech that already exists today, Heriot-Watt University engineer Derryck Reid told New Scientist. “This is not science fiction,” he said.


Russian Iskander missile system was completely useless, says Armenian Prime Minister
Da defence-blog.com del 24 febbraio 2021

By Dylan Malyasov

The Armenian Prime Minister argued that the Iskander ballistic missiles are problematic and useless.
This is how Pashinyan responded to former Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who stated that he would have used Iskander on the fourth day of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Sargsyan also asked why these complexes did not affect the oil and gas facilities of Azerbaijan.

For its part, the prime minister said that the Russian missiles are useless and do not fully explode. “Let him ask the question, why didn’t the Iskander missile explode? Or why did it explode by 10 percent, for example? ” – said Pashinyan.
At the same time, earlier in November 2020, The Drive reported that Armenia used its Russian-made Iskander ballistic missiles to attack Azerbaijani forces targets. On social media also was shared the footage showing what appears to be the first instance of Armenia firing its Iskander ballistic missiles.

The Iskander ( NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) is a roadmobile short-range ballistic missile with a range of up to 500 km.
The Iskander system is equipped with two solid-propellant single-stage guided missiles. Each one is controlled throughout the entire flight path and fitted with an inseparable warhead. In 2016, Armenia became the first buyer of the Iskander-E and paraded  them later that year.


Russia to Demo Anti-drone Repellent-Patrol EW system at IDEX 2021
Da defenseworld.net del 19 febbraio 2021

Russia’s Rosoboronexport will demo its Repellent-Patrol EW system at IDEX 2021 that is capable of jamming malicious drones from up to 20 km away.
The EW complex designed to destroy small-sized UAVs. It is available in both mobile and stationary versions. Features include detection and tracking of UAVs; UAV signal parameters tracking; electronic suppression of UAVs data transmission and control channels and ground control stations; UAV satellite navigation receiver jamming; and more.
In December, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan criticised an anti-drone system (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/28502/Russia_s__42M_EW_System_did_not_Work_in_Nagorno_Karabakh__Armenian_PM_Complains#.YCVJGgzbIU), presumed to be Repellent, stating that “it simply did not work” against Turkish and Israeli drones.
Other anti-drone systems to be showcased at the event (http://roe.ru/eng/press-service/pressreleases/rosoboronexport-to-present-a-new-integrated-counter-uav-system-at-idex-2021/? from_main) include Kupol and Rubezh-Avtomatika systems developed by Avtomatika Concern.
These carry out continuous radio surveillance and create a protective dome over the installation. This is an impenetrable barrier capable of repelling attacks not only by single drones, but also their massive use from different directions and altitudes within a radius of at least 3 km.
The Pishchal electromagnetic gun is one of the lightest handheld jammers on the market, weighing a mere about 3.5 kg. It can jam UAV control/navigation channels at a range of 2 km. KBP’s Pantsir-S1M self-propelled anti-aircraft gun/missile (SPAAGM) system; Almaz-Antey’s Tor-type SAM system; Verba or Igla-S MANPADS; as well as Gibka-S MANPADS squad combat vehicles, capable of firing Verba or Igla-S MANPADS will be on display. These MANPADS can destroy targets at a maximum range of 6 km and at a maximum altitude of 3.5 km.


Russia's Antey-4000 Long-Range Missile System to Debut at IDEX 202
Da defenseworld.net del 18 febbraio 2021

IDEX 2021 in Abu Dhabi from February 21-25 will see the first presentation abroad of the Antey-4000 air defense missile system (ADMS), the export version of Russia’s S-300V4 system.

The system will be demonstrated at the Rosoboronexport exposition.
“The Middle East and North Africa are now among key customers in the arms market. This region accounts for about 1/3 of the total market volume. At year-end 2020, the MENA countries accounted for over 50 % of all export supplies through Rosoboronexport,” said (http://roe.ru/eng/press-service/press-releases/rosoboronexport-russia-s-state-of-the-artarmaments-at-idex-2021-exhibition-in-abu-dhabi-/)Director General of Rostec State Corporation Sergey Chemezov.
“In Abu-Dhabi Rosoboronexport will demonstrate newly-designed products from its export catalogue, including the new armoured personnel carrier and infantry fighting vehicle on the basis of the Boomerang unified wheeled combat platform, air defence missile systems Antei-4000, Viking and Tor-E2, which will be done for the first time in this region,” added Alexander Mikheev.
At the Army 2020 Forum, Almaz-Antey unveiled a “fully digital” Antey-4000 (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27689/Russia_to_Unveil_Antey_4000_Anti_aircraft_Missile_System_at_Army_2020#.YC3yUGgzbIV) with a range of about 400 km.
Due to the modernization (http://www.almaz-antey.ru/press-sluzhba/press-relizykontserna/kontsern-vko-almaz-antey-vpervye-predstavit-shirokoy-publike-noveyshuyu-zrsantey-4000/) of ground-based equipment and on-board missile equipment, Antey-4000 significantly surpassed its predecessor system in terms of range, altitude and speed of interception of the aerodynamic targets.


Las fortificaciones de la línea del Cinca de Naval en la Guerra Civil
Da rondasomontano.com del 5 febbraio 2021

Por Adrián Cabezas Sánchez (GRIEGC)

Tras el inicio de la Guerra Civil el 18 de julio de 1936 y la inmediata división de Aragón entre los dos bandos, el bando sublevado por un lado y el bando republicano por el otro; se estableció a lo largo del territorio aragonés un frente de guerra de más de 350 km desde los Pirineos hasta el sur de Teruel. Por su parte, el pueblo de Naval quedó en territorio republicano, en su retaguardia más inmediata del sector del frente de Huesca, aunque este hecho no fue un impedimento para que se construyeran en su territorio diferentes posiciones defensivas dentro de la conocida como Línea Fortificada del Cinca.

De hecho, la posición de Naval (como se conocía al conjunto de fortificaciones allí construído), correspondía al sub-sector de Boltaña dentro de la Línea Fortificada del Cinca. El inicio de esta línea fortificada se inició a finales de agosto de 1936, pero las obras de fortificación no iban más allá de Estada. Sin embargo, y a petición del coronel Villalba, que tenía su cuartel general en Barbastro, se decidió seguir fortificando más hacia el norte, siendo el límite Boltaña. De esta manera se constituyó un nuevo sector, denominado Sector Boltaña, iniciándose las obras en noviembre de 1936, e incluyéndose Naval en él.

Las principales fortificaciones en Naval estaban situadas en el Monte de Pisa, existiendo allí un importante conjunto fortificado. Ya en una memoria sobre la fortificación del Cinca con fecha de enero de 1937 se decía que en dicho monte, se había construido un emplazamiento para dos piezas de montaña de 105 mm para batir la carretera de Naval hacia Barbastro; así como otro emplazamiento, también para dos piezas, que se había construido con objeto de batir la carretera que venía de Boltaña.

Cabe destacar que la principal posición era la del Monte Pisa, aunque también existían fortificaciones de menor importancia en las posiciones denominadas Posición Carretera Salina nº1 y Posición Carretera Salinas nº2.

En octubre de 1937, existía en Naval o se estaban construyendo las siguientes fortificaciones:


• Trinchera: 500 metros de trinchera.
• Caminos de unión de trinchera: 90 metros de camino de 0,70 metros x 1,80 metros.
• 4 Refugios: 2 de tipo corriente de galería rectangular de 9,90 metros x 2,10 x 1,80 metros con dos bocas de acceso de 1,30 metros de ancho por 6 metros de longitud. 1 refugio en la contrapendiente de una sola boca, en construcción y 1 refugio para ametralladora y municiones de la misma.
• 2 Nidos de ametralladoras. Una casamata doble terminada y otra casamata de iguales características, blindada con paredes de ladrillo de 0,60 metros y cubiertas con techo de hormigón de un grueso de 0,80 metros armado con carriles de 0,30 metros.
• Pistas: 1.800 metros de pista de 1 metro de ancho de unión con la carretera de El Grado a Boltaña.


• 2 Observatorios: Uno terminado y otro en construcción.

Para finalizar cabe decir que la visita a las fortificaciones del Monte Pisa de Naval es altamente recomendable, ya que fueron recuperadas y señalizadas hace ya unos años, con lo que podemos hacernos una idea muy real de cómo eran estas fortificaciones de la Línea del Cinca que se construyeron en este sector.


No CAATSA Waiver yet to India for Russian S-400 Buy: US Ambassador
Da defenseworld.net del 2 febbraio 2021

Don Heflin, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, today said India may not be spared from sanctions Washington slaps against countries for buying Russian military equipment, which, in this case, is the S-400 missile system.
“We’re aware of reports regarding India’s plans of purchasing missiles, including the S-400 systems. Some people ask if there’s a blanker waiver for countries, which is not the case. It is on a case-by-case basis. We’ve not made any waiver determination in respect to Indian transactions with Russia,” he said during the U.S. Embassy’s conference on Aero India.
Heflin is leading a high-level delegation of U.S. government officials and defense industry representatives at Aero India 2021 scheduled to take place from February 3-5.
This is the first official mention of sanctions after Biden took office on January 20.

India ordered S-400 air defense systems for $5.43 billion (INR 40,000 crore) in October 2018. A group of 100 Indian Army personnel were reportedly sent to Russia in the last week of January to begin training on how to operate them.
The U.S. imposes sanctions under Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) against countries buying military equipment from Russia. Turkey, a NATO ally, was also not spared from CAATSA; although Greece, Slovakia and Bulgaria that own S-300s were let go off.
Ankara was kicked out of F-35 Lightning II project and was denied the jets, 100 of which it had planned to acquire. If the U.S. decides to not do the same with India, it will be a bitter pill for Turkey to swallow.
Soon after the U.S. imposed sanctions against Turkey, Christopher Ford, Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation, said (https://www.state.gov/the-united-statessanctions-turkey-under-caatsa-231/)in a statement, “We hope that other countries around the world will also take note that the United States will fully implement CAATSA Section 231 sanctions and that they should avoid further acquisitions of Russian equipment, especially those that could trigger sections (231 of CAATSA)."