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India Tests 5000Km-Range Agni-5 Nuclear Capable Missile
Da defenseworld.net del 26 ottobre 2021



India tested the DRDO-developed Agni-5 nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Wednesday.

“A successful launch of the Surface-to-Surface Ballistic Missile, Agni-5, was carried out on October 27, 2021 at approximately 1950 hrs from APJ Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha,” the Indian Ministry of Defence said in a statement.
The missile, which uses a three-stage solid fuelled engine, is capable of striking targets at ranges up to 5,000 km. It is transported by a truck and launched via a canister.
Agni-V is about 17m long, 2m wide and has launch weight of around 50 tonnes. The missile can carry a nuclear warhead of more than one tonne. It is the most advanced missile of the Agni series having some new technologies incorporated with it in terms of navigation and guidance, warhead and engine.

Message to China?

Agni-5 was designed primarily for enhancing India's nuclear deterrence against China. The longest range missile India had before its development was Agni-III, with a range of 3000–3500 km. This range was not sufficient to reach targets on the extreme eastern and northeastern region of China. Most of the important economic centers of China lay on its eastern seaboard.

The Agni-5 missile will allow India to strike targets across Asia and into Europe. The missile's range will allow the Indian military to target all of China from Agni-V bases, in central and southern India, further away from China.

The missile test comes on the day when India expressed concern regarding China’s passing of a new “Land Boundary Law” for the protection and exploitation of the country’s land border areas which will come into effect from January 1, 2022. The law states among other things that China abides by treaties concluded with or jointly acceded to by foreign countries on land boundary affairs. It also has provisions to carry out reorganisation of districts in the border areas.
Beijing can take measures “to strengthen border defence, support economic and social development as well as opening-up in border areas, improve public services and infrastructure in such areas, encourage and support people’s life and work there, and promote coordination between border defence and social, economic development in border areas”.

“China’s unilateral decision to bring about a legislation, which can have implication on our existing bilateral arrangements on border management as well as on the boundary question, is of concern to us. Such unilateral move will have no bearing on the arrangements that both sides have already reached earlier, whether it is on the boundary question or for maintaining peace and tranquillity along the LAC in India- China border areas,” the Union Ministry of External Affairs said in an official statement today.

“The passage of this new law does not in our view confer any legitimacy to the socalled China Pakistan ‘Boundary Agreement’ of 1963 which the government of India has consistently maintained is an illegal and invalid agreement,” the MEA said. India said it expects China “will avoid undertaking action under the pretext of this law which could unilaterally alter the situation in the India-China border areas”. While China’s new law does not directly indicate any aggressive measures, it does stipulate that the State can take unilateral measures to “strengthen border defence” and “support economic and social development” in border areas.


Bunker var for svær at fjerne – nu er den bygget sammen med boligen
Da tvmidtvest.dk del 23 ottobre 2021

Hvad gør man, hvis man har en bunker på sin grund og ikke sådan lige kan fjerne den? Så bygger man den da sammen med boligen, lige som et par et Hanstholm har gjort. Se med og find også ud af, hvordan et andet par har forvandlet en gammel togstation til bolig.

Et ægtepar i Hanstholm har bygget deres hus sammen med en bunker. Fra underetagen er der direkte adgang til et stykke Danmarkshistorie - og med tiden en vinkælder.

Di Alexandra Lund Lysgaard

Langs Vestkysten ligger bunkerne spredt som et synligt minde om 2. verdenskrig. De er ikke sådan lige til at fjerne - det ved Birgitte og Bo Stenumgaard alt om. De har nemlig en bunker på deres grund i Hanstholm.
- Da grundene kom i udbud, var bunkeren helt dækket til. Der lå en meter jord oven på. Da vi begynde at grave, fandt vi den så og undersøgte mulighederne for at få den fjernet. Det ville koste 800.000 kroner, så det droppede vi igen, fortæller Bo.

Det gør det lidt mere spændende, at der ligger en bunkermidt i indkørslen, som man nærmest er ved at køre ind i, nårman ankommer.


Hvad gør man så? Parret valgte at bygge den sammen med huset.
- Det er lidt unikt at have en bunker. Vi synes, den klæder huset, og så er det jo ikke ettypisk hus, vi har bygget. Det gør det lidt mere spændende, at der ligger en bunkermidt i indkørslen, som man nærmest er ved at køre ind i, når man ankommer.

Boligen med udsigt over Nationalpark Thy er bygget i en vifteform, som bunkeren også indgår i. I videoen itoppen fortæller parret mere om tankerne bag husets form.
Foto: Richard Gaarn Svendsen, TV MIDTVEST

Humlebien fra 40’erne

Inden parret gik i gang med byggeriet, fik de en inspektør fra Bunkermuseet iHanstholm ud og kigge på bunkeren.
Han fortalte, at den tyske general og feltmarskal Erwin Rommel blev af Hitler beordrettil blandt andet at inspicere kanonstillingerne i Hanstholm i begyndelsen af 1940’erne.
Fra landgang mod syd var Hanstholm ikke særlig godt beskyttet, så han besluttede atgrave en grøft gennem byen og lave bunkere med plads til kanoner.

Han fik altså også opført Birgittes og Bos bunker med navnet Brummer, som betyderhumlebi.
- Hanstholm er en stor bunkerby, og bunkeren er en del af den historie. Det skal manikke lave om på. Tværtimod. Det skal huskes, siger Birgitte.
Bunkeren er ikke fredet, og derfor kunne parret nærmest gøre med den, hvad dehavde lyst til.

Parrets planer med bunkeren er at lave den til vinkælder.
Foto: Alexandra Lund Lysgaard, TV MIDTVEST

Fra husets underetage er der direkte adgang til bunkeren. Indgangen til bunkerne var lavet, så der i sin tid kunne køres en kanon ind i den.

Turister strømmer til

Bunkerhuset, som i øvrigt også har en helt unik udsigt ud over Nationalpark Thy, stod færdigt i 2009.
Lige siden har både danske og tyske turister ringet på døren for at se nærmere på det særlige hus.

Fra husets underetage er der direkte adgang til bunkeren. Indgangen til bunkerne var lavet, så der i sin tid kunne køres en kanon ind i den.
Foto: Alexandra Lund Lysgaard, TV MIDTVEST

- Der kommer rigtig mange turister og spørger, om de må tage billeder og høre mereom huset. Det er fint nok. Vi har også en gang haft en kunstner ude og lave et projektinde i bunkeren, fortæller parret.

Fra underetagen er der direkte adgang til bunkeren, hvor der hele året er ret køligt.Det er oplagt at bruge den til vinkælder – og det er da også det, parret altid har haft itankerne, men tankerne er endnu ikke blevet til virkelighed.
- Vi er ikke lige nået der til endnu, men der er jo masser af plads til vinreoler og måskeen vinsmageafdeling hernede. Hvis vi ikke får gjort mere ved den, så kan de næste jogøre det. Men den bliver nok aldrig godkendt til beboelse, siger Bo.

Foto: Alexandra Lund Lysgaard, TV MIDTVEST


U.S. Conducts Precision Sounding Rocket Launch to Advance Hypersonic Weapons Development
Da defenseworld.net del 22 ottobre 2021


U.S. conducts a demonstration of advanced hypersonic technologies and prototype systems in a realistic operating environment

The United States conducted the launch of a precision sounding rocket on October 20 to accelerate the development of advanced hypersonic weapons.
The High Operational Tempo for Hypersonics flight campaign was conducted by the Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) and the Army Hypersonic Program Office (AHPO).

This flight campaign was executed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Wallops Flight Facility. This test will be used to inform the development of the Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) and the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) offensive hypersonic strike capability.

This test demonstrated advanced hypersonic technologies, capabilities, and prototype systems in a realistic operating environment. Three precision sounding rocket launches were conducted containing hypersonic experiments from partners, including CPS, AHPO, the Joint Hypersonic Transition Office, SNL, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, MITRE, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and several defense contractors, the Navy said.

During weapon system development, precision sounding rocket launches fill a critical gap between ground testing and full system flight testing. These launches allow for frequent and regular flight testing opportunities to support rapid maturation of offensive and defensive hypersonic technologies.
This test is a vital step in the development of a Navy-designed common hypersonic missile, consisting of a Common Hypersonic Glide Body (CHGB) and booster, which will be fielded by both the Navy and Army with individual weapon systems and launchers tailored for launch from sea or land. The Department of Defense (DoD) successfully tested the CHGB on March 20, 2020. The Navy and Army will continue to work in close collaboration to leverage joint testing opportunities.

The tests occurred the same day that U.S. Presi-dent Joe Biden said he was concerned about Chinese hypersonic weapons. While western media claimed that China tested a hypersonic glide weapon, Beijing issued an official statement that the test was that of a reusable satellite-launching rocket. Only Russia has so far claimed success in testing surface, air and submarine launched hypersonic weapons. On Thursday, CBS News (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/booster-rocketfailure- hypersonic-weapon-test-alaska/) reported that a booster rocket carrying a hypersonic glide body failed to launch during a test by the Defense Department's hypersonic weapons program.
"The test did not occur as planned due to a failure of the booster stack," Defense Department spokesman Lieutenant Commander Tim Gorman told CBS News in a statement about the attempted test, which took place in Alaska. Gorman stressed the failure was not related to the hypersonic technology, just the booster.


U.S. Army Receives First of “Dark Eagle” Hypersonic Missile Launchers
Da defenseworld.net del 8 ottobre 2021

Delivery of the first prototype hypersonic hardware to Soldiers of the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, 17th Field Artillery Brigade was completed on Oct. 7, 2021. @U.S. Army

Lockheed Martin delivered critical ground equipment for its Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), also known as Dark Eagle hypersonic missiles, to the U.S. Army today.
The delivery was part of a rapid, multi-year hypersonic weapons development program supporting the service’s focus on long-range precision fires.
In a ceremony held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord today, the U.S. Army and industry team celebrated this delivery of ground equipment, including the battery operations center and four transporter erector launchers.

The overall system is being developed in partnership with the U.S. Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office and its Hypersonic Project Office. Led by Lockheed Martin, other industry teammates include Dynetics, General Atomics, General Dynamics, i3, Moog, Northrop Grumman, Penta Research, Raytheon and Verity Integrated Systems.

The Lockheed Martin LRHW contract was originally awarded in 2019. Future flight tests are slated for fiscal year 2022-2023, and the program remains on track.

Pictures posted by Joint Base Lewis-McChord's public affairs office (https://www.dvidshub.net/image/6874466/prototype-hypersonic-hardware-deliveredunit- jblm) yesterday show only the launchers, which had not previously been seen, being delivered. These are mounted on modified M870 trailers and will be towed by Oshkosh M983A4 tractor trucks, which are variants of the Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT).

Artist's concept of LRHW fired from its trailer-mounted launcher @Lockheed Martin

The Army has revealed other details about the LRHW battery previously. “It’s going to be a battery of four launchers, two missiles per for basic load of eight,” Bob Strider, Deputy Director of the Army Hypersonic Project Office, said
(https://breakingdefense.com/2021/08/confident-of-2023-fielding-goal-army-dubshypersonic-weapon-dark-eagle/) at the annual Space and Missile Defense Symposium in August. “It’s going to be a Battery Operations Center — that’s our C2 system that is based against an AFATDS, the [Advanced] Field Artillery Tactical Data System …. with a support vehicle."
"This will be a road-mobile system, which is critical, the ability to move around the battlefield,” he added.

The name Dark Eagle was given to the missiles by the Army in August.

Back in March, the Pentagon announced the delivery of the first two inert missile canisters. With ground equipment for the LRHW prototype battery also being handed over to the Army, the Joint Base Lewis-McChord may now constitute a complete system, with the exception of the missiles.

LRHW components @U.S. Arrmy

Development of the LRHW has involved the Army and the Navy, with the maritime branch using the same hardware in its Intermediate-Range Conventional Prompt Strike (IRCPS) weapon. While the launcher platforms for both are different, the missiles themselves are the same, including a Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) and rocket booster.

The C-HGB is expected to reach a maximum speed of Mach 17, and will be able to hit targets of at least 2,700 km. It will reportedly be able to make more unpredictable maneuvers, compared to traditional ballistic missiles, complicating the enemy’s ability to defend against it.


PATRIOT Missile Batteries to Arrive in Poland by 2022
Da defenseworld.net del 8 ottobre 2021

Mariusz Blaszczak, Defense Minister of Poland during a meeting in the USA with Polish soldiers

The Polish Ministry of Defense (MoD) has commenced preparing infrastructure to  receive PATRIOT missile battery from the U.S., which is expected to arrive at the end of 2022.
In March 2018, Poland signed a $4.75 billion agreement with the U.S. for two Patriot Configuration 3+ batteries. The purchase includes Northrop Grumman's IBCS Battle Command System and four fire units equipped with four AN/MPQ-65 radars, 16 launchers, four Engagement Control Stations, six Engagement Operation Centers, 12 IFCN Relays and 208 PAC-3 MSE missiles. In the Phase II, Poland plans to order six further batteries equipped with an AESA radar and Raytheon's SkyCeptor interceptors.

“We assume that the deliveries will be made at the scheduled time - the Patriots will be delivered to our country by the end of next year. We are preparing the infrastructure, and soldiers will be trained to use these weapons.
Everything is going according to plan,” said Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defence during a meeting in the USA with Polish soldiers. On 7 October, Błaszczak met with the soldiers of the 3rd Air Defence Missile Brigade, who are participating in maintenance training at Fort Sill to operate the PATRIOT system.

Patriot Launching System at MSPO 2020 exhibition in Poland @U.S. Army

“I am very impressed, both with what our soldiers learn and with our soldiers' approach to their duties. The laboratories are very well equipped and Polish soldiers use the knowledge of experienced lecturers – U.S. Army soldiers who were on missions, who also operated Patriots in combat conditions. These are unique experiences that will already be passed on to Polish soldiers, which makes the Polish Army ready to defend the Republic of Poland,” the minister said.
The American Fort Sill (Oklahoma) is training Polish Army soldiers who will receive the first two Patriot batteries next year. The soldiers of the 3rd Air Defence Missile Brigade are participating in the Allied Patriot Air Defence Operator course organized at the Air Defence Artillery School concerning operation and maintenance of the PATRIOT system. This is another training group of Polish soldiers who will undergo specialist course.


Russian Submarine Launches Hypersonic Cruise Missile 'Tsirkon’ from 40 Meters Underwater
Da defenseworld.net del 5 ottobre 2021

Tsirkon missile's surface launch from nuclear-powered submarine @Russia MoD

Following the successful surface launch of the Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missile from a Russian nuclear-powered submarine on Sunday, a second launch was conducted on Monday; this time from 40 meters underwater signaling a new capability for the country's navy.
In a statement (https://eng.mil.ru/en/news_page/country/more.htm? id=12386900@egNews), the Russian Ministry of Defense said, “The second test firing of the hypersonic cruise missile Tsirkon was carried out by the crew of the nuclear submarine missile cruiser Severodvinsk for the first time from an underwater position, from a depth of 40 meters, in the waters of the White Sea at a conditional sea target in the Barents Sea.”

"This is a serious event for the Russian Navy. No one has protection from Tsirkon," the former chief of the General Staff of the Russian Navy, retired Admiral Viktor Kravchenko said in comments quoted by Interfax. "In the near future, (more) submarines will be equipped with Tsirkons - this will strengthen the capabilities of our Navy to fight aircraft carrier groups," he added.

A capability to launch the Tsirkon missile that can travel at 5-7 times the speed of sound from underwater means the nuclear-powered submarine can approach its firing position and release the missile almost undetected from ground and spacebased radar systems.
Prior to the test s from a submarine, the missile was tested only from a surface warship.

During Army-2021 Forum, Russia’s MoD signed a contract for the delivery of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles to the Russian troops. According to Alexander Leonov, CEO of NPO Mashinostroenia, it has to be fulfilled by 2025.

The Tsirkon 3M-22 hypersonic missile is a part of 3K-22 (Zircon code) complex which NATO reports as SS-N-33. The missile can develop a speed of Mach 9 and fly at an altitude of 30-40 km where the range and speed increase as air resistance is smaller. Experts estimate the payload at 300-400 kg and the missile length at 8-10 m. The missile is to be fired from universal vertical launchers 3S-14 on warships and submarines and from Bastion mobile coastal missile launchers.


Beyond S-400, Turkey Seeks Russian Fighter Jet, Submarines
Da defenseworld.net del 4 ottobre 2021

Russian fifth-generation stealthy Su-57 jets at Victory Day Parade in 2020 @UAC

Aside of seeking a second batch of S-400 Air Defense System (ADS) as well as technology transfer to build some of its components, Turkey has hinted that a partnership with Russia on fighter jets and submarines could be on the cards. President Erdogan's quick hop to the Russian city of Sochi last week where he met President Vladimir Putin signals the beginning of a deepening defense partnership far beyond the purchase of a stand-alone S-400 ADS. “We had the opportunity to discuss comprehensively what steps to take in the production of plane engines, what steps to take regarding fighter jets,” he said, adding that other measures could include building ships and submarines.
Russia could also be involved in the construction of Turkey’s second and third nuclear power plants, Erdoğan told journalists onboard the presidential plane, adding that Putin suggested developing platforms for space launch platforms. Turkey seems to have given up on receiving F-35 jets and is reportedly seeking a refund of $1.4 billion advance paid from the U.S. "We made a $1.4 billion payment. What will become of that?" Erdogan said. "We did not—and do not—earn this money easily. Either they will give us our planes or they will give us the money."

Power Problems with Turkey’s Fifth-Generation Fighter

Ankara has openly welcomed participation of foreign countries in its fifth generation jet project. Ismail Demir, head of Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) told the local media recently, “The door is open for friendly and allied countries who want to be part of this project” to build the stealthy TF-X National Combat Aircraft (MMU). While SSB has always maintained that the TF-X fighter jet would be completely indigenous, it is known that Turkish industry lacks certain critical technologies required to take this project to fruition.

BAE Systems of the United Kingdom signed an agreement valued £100 million with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in 2017 to provide engineering assistance in developing the aircraft.
Having built the stealthy Su-57 fifth-generation fighter, Russia has the experience and the advanced technologies to help Turkey build one. At the Army 2021 Forum, Director of Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Dmitry Shugayev said Russia was holding consultations with Turkey (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/30304/Russia_in_Talks_with_Turkey_on_Supporting_TF_X_Fighter_Jet_Project#.YTdW_I4zbIU) provide technology and expertise for the ambitious TF-X project. Also Read: Russia in Talks with Turkey on Supporting TF-X Fighter Jet Project (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/30304/Russia_in_Talks_with_Turkey_on_Supporting_TF_X_Fighter_Jet_Project#.YVrS1NpBzIU) Turkey’s TRMotors was selected in February 2021 to develop an auxiliary power unit and an air turbine start system for the TF-X. Prototypes will be equipped with two General Electric F110 engines. Russia’s United Engine Corporation (UEC) has stated earlier that it is ready to provide technology for the TF-X engine. Other competitors are Kale Group- Rolls Royce UK, Aselsan-Eurojet (an iteration of Eurofighter Typhoon’s EJ200 engine has been proposed), and TUSAS (TEI)-General Electric teams.
The Joint Venture between Kale Group and Rolls-Royce has hit rough weather due to uncertainties over technology transfer. Turkey also seems to be unhappy with British Rolls Royce’s offer. Demir has stated that the company is not meeting with all of Turkey’s conditions, without elaborating what they are.

Turkish Submarines

The Turkish navy currently boasts a submarine fleet second-largest in NATO with 12 Type-214 boats in service: Atilay class 209/1200 (four) built by Turkey in partnership with Germany; German-made Preveze-class 209T1/1400 (four); and German-made Gur-class 209T2/1400 (four). Turkey will be replacing early Atılay-class ships with six TKMS Reis-class submarines. The new vessels are a group of six license built submarines based on the Germany’s Type 214 submarine.
At the IDEF-2021, Turkish company STM unveiled the STM500 mini-submarine and the 1700-ton TS17000 submarine; while another company Dearsan presented a "light submarine" design.
Ankara has also launched MiLDEN (Milli Denizalti) National Submarine program that aims to develop a new class of submarine. Turkey could collaborate with Russia on building these submarines. Russia's submarine force is now around 60 boats, including 12 nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) and nine nuclearpowered cruise-missile submarines (SSGNs).